You’re wanting to reclaim your health and body through a more gentle, and intuitive approach. Because let’s be real - you definitely don’t want to say no to any more of your families traditional food or a spontaneous doughnut run. You’re *so over* caring about how the world views you. I'm here to help guide you in embracing your identity and living out your truest self. Let's work together to quiet those pesky little thoughts!
Whether you grew up listening to your mom pick apart her body, or your grandparents and aunties offering you all your favorite foods, while also commenting on your body, or scrolling through social media only to find that next diet or "wellness" influencer. You were always trying to fit in by shrinking yourself to take up less space, labeling food and yourself as "good," "bad," "unworthy," or "junk," and counting calories only to shame yourself for going over.
Registered Dietitian (RD), Licensed Dietitian (LD/N)
Eating Disorder Specialist
Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor
Licensed Body Positive Facilitator
Lebanese - Canadian - American - Muslim
Size Inclusive - Non Diet Dietitian - Social Justice Advocate
Lover of All Food
(Pronounced Ma-lack Saddie)
Hi, I’m Malak Saddy!