relationship with food

The space to get curious about your

A comfortable relationship with food may need to start with a comfortable place to speak your mind. Through individual sessions, no food-talk is off the table. Bring your humanness. Bring your burning questions. Bring your authentic self - the overwhelm and the happiness are all welcome. This dedicated time together is for navigating the next chapter in creating your unique journey and food map.

Our time together will begin with an initial session and will continue with follow-ups as needed and recommended. In-person sessions are available in Chicago. Virtual sessions are available in Texas, Illinois, Wisconsin, Florida, Massachusetts, and Louisiana. 

If you’re the parent of an adolescent or a loved one of someone who is working with me, then caregiver consultations can be beneficial for you! It’s no fun feeling like the food police while your child or partner is navigating their relationship with food, so these sessions are for YOU where we can discuss eating disorders, disordered eating, and how you can best support your loved one around food.

Food has been communal for as long as you can remember. But somewhere along the way, anxiety has crept up and now eating around others isn’t as comfortable as you would like it to be. I mean heck, you just want to enjoy your (insert food here). During a meal support session, we eat together and learn skills along the way on how to talk back to that pesky voice. Meal support sessions are available in a restaurant (if you’re in Chicago!) or at your home.

Nutrition Therapy

Caregiver Consultation

Meal Support

frequently asked questions

1. Do you take insurance?

I do not accept insurance, however I can provide you with a Superbill (insurance receipt) that you can directly submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. The initial assessment is $180, and follow ups are $165.

2. I don’t live in Chicago. Can we still work together?

Yes! I am licensed in IL, LA, FL, TX, and WI and can provide intuitive eating counseling in the following states CA, CT, ID, IN, NH, MA, MI, OR, OK, UT, VA, VT, WA, WY. I offer safe and secure telehealth sessions through a HIPAA compliant software called SimplePractice. 

3. Who do you work with? 

I work with children, adolescents, and adults of all genders. I specialize in eating disorders, disordered eating patterns, Intuitive Eating, cultural diversity, and body image.

If you're still not sure if you need a non-diet dietitian consider the following:
  • Want help rebuilding your relationship with food and your body
  • Feel a loss of control around food
  • Are rigid around food choices and meal times
  • Have fear or anxiety around trying new foods
  • Use exercise or other compensatory behaviors to make up for the food you’ve eaten
  • Struggle eating in front of people
  • Hiding food or eating in secret
  • Sick and tired of going on another diet or counting your calories/macros

4. What are sessions like? 

Initial Assessment: Our first session together will be 50 minutes. We will work together to go over major areas of concern, identify strengths, and challenges and set realistic goals. I will be guiding you every step of the way providing resources and tools that you may additionally need during your journey. 

Follow-up sessions: Follow-up sessions will be 50 minutes long. Over the course of time, we will be reviewing your goals, and seek additional ways to resolve challenges and areas of concern. Follow-up sessions will be weekly, bi-weekly, or whichever is most supportive towards your goals. We will discuss any topics and find ways to continue to build on your own personal strength. 

5. What is Intuitive Eating (IE)?

Intuitive eating is when we pay attention and honor our body's natural cues like thirst, hunger, and fullness. There are 10 IE principles and I utilize the framework in our sessions to best support your dietary goals. It’s important to know that not one single approach is best suited for everyone so let’s work together to find your unique food map. 

6. What’s the difference between a dietitian and nutritionist?

The words nutritionist and dietitian might seem like the same thing at first glance but let's break it down. Nutritionists have no mandatory requirements such as education or credentials. Nutritionists additionally cannot provide Medical Nutrition Therapy since they do not have a license to practice. Registered dietitians have a Bachelor's degree or Master degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. Dietitians have over 1,000 hours of supervised practice and must pass a national exam to obtain a license to practice. On top of that dietitians are required to complete hours of continued education to keep up to date with the latest scientific research. Registered dietitians are professionals who receive countless hours of education and experience to help clients improve their overall quality of life through nutrition.

frequently asked questions

Initial Assessment: Our first session together will be 50 minutes. We will work together to go over major areas of concern, identify strengths, and challenges and set realistic goals. I will be guiding you every step of the way providing resources and tools that you may additionally need during your journey. 

Follow-up sessions: Follow-up sessions will be 50 minutes long. Over the course of time, we will be reviewing your goals, and seek additional ways to resolve challenges and areas of concern. Follow-up sessions will be weekly, bi-weekly, or whichever is most supportive towards your goals. We will discuss any topics and find ways to continue to build on your own personal strength. 

4. What are sessions like? 

I work with children, adolescents, and adults of all genders. I specialize in eating disorders, disordered eating patterns, Intuitive Eating, cultural diversity, and body image.

3. Who do you work with? 

Yes! I am licensed in IL, LA, FL, TX, and WI and can provide intuitive eating counseling in the following states CA, CT, ID, IN, NH, MA, MI, OR, OK, UT, VA, VT, WA, WY. I offer safe and secure telehealth sessions through a HIPAA compliant software called SimplePractice. 

2. I don’t live in Chicago. Can we still work together?

The words nutritionist and dietitian might seem like the same thing at first glance but let's break it down. Nutritionists have no mandatory requirements such as education or credentials. Nutritionists additionally cannot provide Medical Nutrition Therapy since they do not have a license to practice. Registered dietitians have a Bachelor's degree or Master degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. Dietitians have over 1,000 hours of supervised practice and must pass a national exam to obtain a license to practice. On top of that dietitians are required to complete hours of continued education to keep up to date with the latest scientific research. Registered dietitians are professionals who receive countless hours of education and experience to help clients improve their overall quality of life through nutrition.

6. What’s the difference between a dietitian and nutritionist?

I do not accept insurance, however I can provide you with a Superbill (insurance receipt) that you can directly submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. The initial assessment is $180, and follow ups are $165.

1. Do you take insurance?

Intuitive eating is when we pay attention and honor our body's natural cues like thirst, hunger, and fullness. There are 10 IE principles and I utilize the framework in our sessions to best support your dietary goals. It’s important to know that not one single approach is best suited for everyone so let’s work together to find your unique food map. 

5. What is Intuitive Eating (IE)?

Initial Assessment: Our first session together will be 50 minutes. We will work together to go over major areas of concern, identify strengths, and challenges and set realistic goals. I will be guiding you every step of the way providing resources and tools that you may additionally need during your journey. 

Follow-up sessions: Follow-up sessions will be 50 minutes long. Over the course of time, we will be reviewing your goals, and seek additional ways to resolve challenges and areas of concern. Follow-up sessions will be weekly, bi-weekly, or whichever is most supportive towards your goals. We will discuss any topics and find ways to continue to build on your own personal strength. 

What are sessions like? 

I work with children, adolescents, and adults of all genders. I specialize in eating disorders, disordered eating patterns, Intuitive Eating, cultural diversity, and body image.
f you're still not sure if you need a non-diet dietitian consider the following:
  • Want help rebuilding your relationship with food and your body
  • Feel a loss of control around food
  • Are rigid around food choices and meal times
  • Have fear or anxiety around trying new foods
  • Use exercise or other compensatory behaviors to make up for the food you’ve eaten
  • Struggle eating in front of people
  • Hiding food or eating in secret
  • Sick and tired of going on another diet or counting your calories/macros

Who do you work with? 

Yes! I am licensed in IL, LA, FL, TX, and WI and can provide intuitive eating counseling in the following states CA, CT, ID, IN, NH, MA, MI, OR, OK, UT, VA, VT, WA, WY. I offer safe and secure telehealth sessions through a HIPAA compliant software called SimplePractice.

I don’t live in Chicago. Can we still work together?

I do not accept insurance, however I can provide you with a Superbill (insurance receipt) that you can directly submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. The initial assessment is $180, and follow ups are $165.

Do you take insurance?

Intuitive eating is when we pay attention and honor our body's natural cues like thirst, hunger, and fullness. There are 10 IE principles and I utilize the framework in our sessions to best support your dietary goals. It’s important to know that not one single approach is best suited for everyone so let’s work together to find your unique food map. 

What is Intuitive Eating (IE)?

The words nutritionist and dietitian might seem like the same thing at first glance but let's break it down. Nutritionists have no mandatory requirements such as education or credentials. Nutritionists additionally cannot provide Medical Nutrition Therapy since they do not have a license to practice. Registered dietitians have a Bachelor's degree or Master degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. Dietitians have over 1,000 hours of supervised practice and must pass a national exam to obtain a license to practice. On top of that dietitians are required to complete hours of continued education to keep up to date with the latest scientific research. Registered dietitians are professionals who receive countless hours of education and experience to help clients improve their overall quality of life through nutrition.

What’s the difference between a dietitian and nutritionist?

Your additional questions may be answered here

but if not, then call me. Email me. connect with me.

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